When is Sharing Baby Pictures on Social Media too much?


It’s a natural instinct for the modern parent to take hundreds of photos of their child’s every moment. I find myself having this same desire with my little one in the hopes of capturing one of his simple, yet amazing milestones. But what is a parent to do with these precious images? Why share them with the world of course!

Yes, I’ve become one of those parents. My Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts are filled with pictures of baby Reuben doing baby things. While I love sharing pictures of my little one on social media, apart of me holds back and asks the question, “how much baby picture sharing is too much?” Not all of my industry friends are parents and some don’t intend on having kids so I get that they might not be interested in the baby life. But the truth of the matter is, for the next few months the baby IS my whole life. It’s hard stealing time for myself to game, hangout with friends, even writing this blog is a challenge and I’m only getting it done during the baby’s nap time (he can wake up any moment, oh the suspense!!).

So what’s my final take on this topic? Well, I’ve decided to hold back on sharing every since photo moment and upload things that I feel are interesting to share (enter clone baby pic!). Also I’ve decided to post things for me, like blog posts, videos, and conversations I want to have with my online friends. This will help me maintain my identity as Renelly while adding the term mom to a list of who I am.

What are your thoughts on the sharing of baby pics?

My husband's clone aka our baby

My husband’s clone aka our baby












One thought on “When is Sharing Baby Pictures on Social Media too much?

  1. +1. As a (new) parent, it can be a difficult struggle. And yes, it can be annoying at times when you go on Facebook and when you’re at that certain age/life stage, there’s nothing but baby photos. Personally, I’ve tried to limit what I post, or still include my same musings with friends and gaming industry folks over Twitter or Social Media. Either that, or having FB be more so the place to post certain contents of my life (ie, more family oriented stuff), and Twitter be more gaming industry/work life, and less a place to post my family photos.

    I also posted a short little thought process that was similar to this in an old blog post (before my kids were born), which basically talks about making sure to keep things like your personal family info separate and not public (names, dates, etc.). http://www.randallwong.com/2012/02/coming-soon-double-trouble-when-is-sharing-on-the-internet-too-much/

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